Monday, 13 October 2014

Some months ago I took up crocheting and, as I tend to do, jumped in boots and all with the promise of a blanket for my sister Miss Boo.  And then I discovered that crochet blankets take something I don't have in spades- patience and commitment.  However,...
First Mate turned 8 today (let's not even wonder about where those years have gone!) so it was decided that a Minecraft birthday cake was in order. I don't mind the whole 'kids birthday cake' thing to be honest. I'm pretty crafty and like a challenge...

Friday, 20 June 2014

A few months ago I visited the local Education Campus, as I have done many times before, only to find this.... I'd heard of yarn bombing before but this was the first time I've seen it first hand. And can I tell you, I totally love it! How can...

Friday, 30 May 2014

I am very blessed, that despite all things First Mate 'hates' about school, reading isn't one of them. He spends a great deal of time pouring over books of practically any genre and we are frequent flyers at the local book shop. This is something...
So, some exciting news! My sister, Miss Boo, has literally come from the other side of the country to join First Mate and I in our sea change adventure. She's lived away from the family for several years now so needless to say I'm uber excited to...

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Sooo... let's just ignore the fact that I've neglected my poor blog for, oh, eight or so months.....Let's pretend, for a moment, that the stresses and pressures of my crazy life didn't distract me from the diligent and witty recording of my everyday...